Home > Education innovation Projects > REPOSITORY OF LEARNING OBJECTS AT ETSITGC


Entities participants: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Financied by: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Duration, from: September 2010  to: September 2011   Budget: 2600
Principal Investigator: J. M. Gaspar-Escribano   Number of participants: 7

The general goal of the project is to enable the exchange of the learning objects generated by research groups and lecturers through the implementation of an academic digital repository, hereby contributing to the update and availability of learning material in the centre and to the coordination (vertical and horizontal) between diferent subjects. 

Other specific objectives of the project include:
- To analyse the needs of different end-user profiles (teacher-student,researcher-guest).
- To identify and to analyse informatic tools available at UPM.
- To implement the repository with the selected tool.
- To design and to develop user guides for different user profiles.
- To develop a pilot test to validate the use and functioning of the repository.
These first-year objectives cover the phase of repository preparation. It is intended to give continuity to the project in a second year, in which the repository will be place on production.

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