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Reduction of structural vulnerability and improvement of habitability in Haiti: SISMO-HAITI II

Entities participants: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Universidad de Alicante, Universidad de Almería, Observatorio Nacional de Medio Ambiente y Vulnerabilidad de Haití (ONEV), Red Sismológica. Universidad de Mayagüez. Puerto Rico., Norwegian Seismic Array (NORSAR), Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Red Sismológica de República Dominicana
Financied by: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Duration, from: February 2012  to: November -1   Budget: 40.000 €
Principal Investigator: B. Benito   

This project will calculate the hazard and seismic risk at the local level to obtain the necessary data to prepare emergency plans in a high-risk city and to improve the living conditions of the population through the self-construction of housing seismic resistant.


Projects (National R&D&I Plan)
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Projects: Public consulting
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Reduction of structural vulnerability and improvement of habitability in Haiti: SISMO-HAITI II
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