The main obajective of the project was to improve in the modeling of catastrophic landslides that occur in volcanic terrains, specially of triggering mechanisms such as rainfall and earthquake.
Seismic ground motion was estimated taking into account local effects related to topography and lithology. In certain sites, the constitutive behavior of geomaterials under critical stresses was analysed, coupled models with solid matrix and intersticial fluids. Initiation and propagation landslide mechanisms were investigated separatedly.
These theoretical studies were complemented with field measurements using novel techniques such as RADAR interpherometry, static and dynamic lab tests for geotechnical characterisation of samples.
Modeling results were contrasted with actual data from El Salvador (2001 landslides), Pizzo D’Alvano, Italy (fast landslides affecting Sarno, Quindici, etc), and lahars atounf Popocatepelt volcano in Mexico.
All these activities were accomplished with the participation of local institutions and university research teams.
El proyecto tuvo una importante vertiente práctica, ya que se propusieron medidas de corrección y mejora que evitasen posibles deslizamientos en áreas concretas, y de encauzamiento y protección en otros casos. Por otra parte, se trabajó en la integración de los resultados obtenidos con modelos avanzados en mapas de riesgo.