After the earthquake occurred in Haiti, the 12th January 2010, with the epicenter close to the capital, Port-au-Prince (25 km), magnitude Mw 7,0 and 13 km depth, the country is in a catastrophic situation and in extreme poorness, with basic needs of health, food, education and houses unattended. The effects of the earthquake have devastated the population, with more than 300.000 people dead, similar number of injured persons and 1,3 million people who have lost their homes and now are living in settlements. About material effects, the earthquake has produced near 100.000 residences totally destroyed and almost 200.000 severely damaged (Font: USGS). This earthquake has been the most powerful registered in this zone since 1770. Also, it was perceptible in close countries like Cuba, Jamaica and Dominican Republic, where it produced fear and preventive evacuations.
The reconstruction of the country is a priority issue in the international cooperation framework and the current project, SISMO-HAITI, has been developed with the aim of provide knowledge and information in order to help in the preventive measures against the seismic risk, trying to avoid that a future earthquake in the country can produce a similar catastrophe like the recent one.
For this propose, there have been developed different informs, presentations, posters and Master´s Thesis, that can be checked below.
Posters and presentations:
SISMO-HAITÍ: Proyecto de cooperación para el cálculo de la peligrosidad y el riesgo sísmico en Haití
Seismic Risk Scenarios in Puerto Principe (Haiti). A tool for reconstruction and emergency planning
SISMO-HAÏTI: Projet de coopération pour le calcul de l´aléa et le risque sismique en Haïti
An evaluation of seismic hazard in La Hispaniola, after the 2010 Haiti earthquake
Master´s Thesis:
Estimación del riesgo sísmico en Puerto Príncipe (Haití). Yolanda Torres
Multi-hazard analysis and identification of priority settlements for land management in Haiti. Sandra Ruiz
Diseño de la Red Sísmica digital por satélite haitiana. Jean Michael Haendel Dorfeuille
Recomendaciones hacia la Normativa Sismorresistente de Haití. Gaspard Pierristal
Landslide risk in Haiti and land management in Port au Prince. David Álvarez